Thursday, December 11, 2008


Okay, so I got caught up in the tagging thing too...and the picture thing...duh. I did what my sis did. This is 5 folders over, and the 5th picture over. =)
This was taken under a tree in Wales last year. What you're looking at is a section of a series of gardens in front of one of the castles we visited. I forget the name of this one though, but way back in the back, there's a very secluded garden called "lover's circle" that is guarded by an old rod-iron gate. This kind of architecture is what makes me drool as a photographer. Oh, to go to places like this and just shoot rolls of film...yes, Jenn. ROLLS, not megapixels! ;)
K, nuff of that. I'm going to tag some pretty sweet blogs/people: my wonderful boss Aubrey , my dear friend Janelle, another wonderful Janelle, and my sis Jenn of course. Wow, those are some very diverse blogs. ENJOY!!

1 comment:

Janelle Morrison said...

Didn't need to read what you wrote to know that was Wales!!!