Monday, November 17, 2008

Please welcome...Brynn Elizabeth!

My dear friend Noelle just had her baby this morning, and I had the GLORIOUS privelege of being there just after Brynn came into the world! Noelle and George chose to try for a home-birth, knowing that God could very well have a different plan than theirs. But God was SO kind to allow everything to go smoothly for them! Noelle was dilated 4cm as of 6:20 AM, and then 2 hours later she pushed for about 1/2 an hr (I think?) and gave birth to Brynn, all 7lbs 2oz of her, at 8:32 AM!
This was my first time being able to be a part of such a joyous occasion as this (outside of my own family) so I was as happy as if I were part of the family! =) Noelle, my wonderful friend of 10+ years, is now a mommy. This is surreal for me, as a friend...imagine how surreal it is for the parents! =)
The gift of a human life is more precious than one can express! I know there will be many sleepless nights, poopy diapers, and bad attitudes to deal with in the future.! One of the first things I heard Noelle say when I got to their house was, "Wow, I can't believe SHE was INSIDE of me!" Even though childbirth was cursed because of Adam and Eve in the Garden, how KIND of God to bless us with such elation when the baby finally enters this world!
To the right is George with little Brynn. I know it's blurry but it was the first picture I got of him w/ his new daughter!

And THIS is momma and baby. =)

Monday, November 3, 2008


Wow...I have not been involved in something as interesting as what happened yesterday in a long time! Yesterday after church, my best friend put on a wedding dress and one of the guys in our church wore a suit. The two of them represented marriage between one man and one woman as a caravan of cars decorated with Yes2Marriage signs, Vote Yes On 2 bumper stickers, slogans painted on the windows, balloons, and streamers. We decorated most of the cars to look like someone had just gotten married (hanging plastic cups from the trunks so they bounced along the road behind the car), and Ariel and David (the representing couple) rode in the back of a convertible with the top down, waving at people and holding up signs.
Even though it only lasted a little over an hour, I was unprepared for the adrenaline rush of being in a line of 12 cars driving down 17-92, Colonial, and 436. =) Janelle Phillips rode in my car as I drove. I think we were either the 9th or 10th car in line, with the convertible at the very front of the caravan. Fortunately there was no violence...Though, as Christians we're called to NOT shrink back from standing up for what God says is right in His scripture. We encountered a few unhappy/rude people, but we also encountered a lot of supporters!
Personal story: I was nervous about honking the horn (to get people's attention) even though everyone else in our caravan was honking, because I've been taught to never honk my horn. ;) But finally I caved, and then I had so much fun honking that I would bounce up and down every time I honked the horn! Janelle laughed at me. Oh, and Janelle and I came up with a little song/chant to sing to the people out the windows while we were driving (and to keep ourselves entertained). "Vote Yes on 2! It helps protect our ch-children! Vote Yes on 2! It helps protect our ch-children!" Yah, very simple but it was fun! PLEASE remember to vote tomorrow, on Election Day, and regardless of which candidate you vote for, PLEASE vote YES on Amendment 2! If you are unsure of WHY I'm asking you to vote yes on 2, you can click HERE for FAQ's or just general information about the Amendment. There's more at stake here than most people realize, so please take the time to be informed before you go to the polls.
Below are a few pictures from yesterday's event!