Friday, January 2, 2009

The Epicness of Ice-Blocking

I have NO idea why I never posted this, but here it is nonetheless...
Truly, what I am about to tell you is of the utmost importance, secrecy, and frivolity. You will never experience anything QUITE like ice-blocking, so I shall leave you with detailed instructions.
1. Purchase a block of ice from nearby grocery store

2. Wrap ice block in towel for safe-keeping

3. Drive to nearest golf-course (or otherwise most hilly place in FL)

*NOTE: Ice-blocking is much more effective when executed after sunset...preferably around 10 or 11 pm*

4. Send a scout down the hill to ensure there are no lakes, walls, or other such obstacles before commencing to ice-block

*NOTE: concrete footpaths and iron grates will hinder your journey of ice-blocking*

5. Set the unwrapped ice-block on the ground with the folded towel on top

6. Sit on towel and 'commence to start'

7. Once momentum picks up, lift feet and hands off the ground to ensure increased momentum; balance is required at this point

*NOTE: always see other ice-blockers as a potential threat to your personal ice-blocking experience...steer clear of not run into them. This will result in the 'human snowball effect'*

*NOTE: the hands may be used as brakes, but it is not recommended*

8. In order to end your ice-blocking experience (at the bottom of the hill), simply drive heels into ground to slow the speed of your ice block; or as some may choose, simply throw yourself off the ice-block...not recommended

9. Carry ice-block back up the hill for others to enjoy the epic thrill

*NOTE: the green stains on your hands and clothes will come off...eventually*

*NOTE: soreness the next morning is to be expected; Advil is recommended*

Thus concludes very informative instructions for ice-blocking. If you have any further questions, please do not ask Lindsay. ;)

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