Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Christian Faith

Yes, another Charles Spurgeon quote...what can I say? =)
This quote is taken from the book Beautiful Fight by Gary Thomas...just started reading it...already recommend it! He's basically talking about Nominalism (in name only!). ;)

“The grand point is not to wear the garb, nor use the brogue of religion, but to possess the life of God within, and feel and think as Jesus would have done because of that inner life. Small is the value of external religion unless it is the outcome of a life within.”
~Charles Spurgeon

I love how God sovereignly intertwines messages on Sundays with quotes from our devotions during the week! I am so challenged to NOT let Christianity become simply a "robe" that I put on when it's convenient, but to let my faith be as if (taken from It's A Wonderful Life) I swallowed the moon, and the light from the moon would shine through my eyes, my mouth, the pores in my skin, so that when people look at ME they're only seeing the Light! By believing in Christ and surrendering my life to Him, I am no longer my own. My life does not belong to me, meaning I must rely on Someone else.


Debi Walter said...

Steph, thank you for posting these great quotes to remind us of what is truly important in this life - Christ alone! I know I needed to hear that tonight.

Anonymous said...

from Mom: Yeah, it really is amazing how God brings all these teachings, quotes, etc. together just at the perfect time, so that we really "get it"! I was just reading in V of V this a.m. "Oh Lord, may I never make piety a dress but a habit, not only a habit but a nature, not only a nature but a LIFE." Woohoo!! I love you, baby girl, and I love what our Savior is doing in and through you!