Carpe Diem
Carpe diem, a phrase that comes from the Roman poet Horace, means literally "Pluck the day", though it's usually translated as "Seize the day". A free translation might be "Enjoy yourself while you have the chance". For some people, Carpe diem serves as the closest thing to a philosophy of life as they'll ever have.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Saturday, July 19, 2014
It's Just Us
On April 27, 2013 Drew asked me to be his wife in the middle of a field in Clermont. I couldn't be happier as I exclaimed through tears that I loved him and, oh yeah...YES! The next 9 months were absolutely insane! I was never the little girl that had my wedding colors picked out by the time I was 12, or even 20. So I had a LOT of decisions to make, but I also had a great person to help me make these decisions. I could not have planned my wedding without my fiance and I'm so grateful he was so willing to help. He kept me level-headed and helped us stay mostly on budget (please let me know if you would like some wedding planning tips!).
On February 1, 2014 I became Mrs. Andrew Michael Kress. My heart continues to overflow with happiness when I think about that special day. There were so many things that went "wrong" leading up to it, including having 2 of my bridesmaids drop out of the wedding only a month before the big day. But things happened the way they were supposed to. We got married in a catholic church on Park Ave, then danced and ate next to dinosaur bones at the Science Center. People told us it was the most unique wedding they've ever been to, especially when someone decided to "plug in" the T-Rex and he started moving! :)
My favorite moment of the entire day, though, was when I finally got to dance with my husband. I had felt bits of emotion throughout the day, but when I was finally encircled by our closest friends and family, and our song (Turning Page - by Sleeping At Last) came on...and I was finally in the arms of my Tall Boy...I fell apart with joy. I was so grateful for the people standing with us who had stood by us throughout our relationship, I was so happy with the song we chose since music is so important to both of us, and I was beyond-words-excited to finally have Andrew, my HUSBAND, holding me...dancing with me. It was such a special moment.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Time Goes By...
Andrew and I met at a bar...yes. We have a mutual friend, Miles. Miles and I worked for the same company and kept in touch through FaceBook after he left. At the beginning of November '11, I told him my brother was playing a show near downtown Orlando and that he should come. On 11.11.11, armed with my Nikon D80 I went alone to my brother's show. Miles said he was bringing his buddy Drew. The 3 of us met up and hung out, talking and laughing the entire night.
I personally didn't notice any fireworks at first sight, but probably because neither was I "on the prowl". My heart had been broken only six months prior, and I was sure I would never love again. Silly me to think I know God's plan for my life.
At the end of the night, I parted ways with Drew and Miles. As I was walking back to my car, I got a text from Miles saying "my buddy Drew is in love with you!" I giggled.
Over the next few weeks, the boys got me to come over and hang out with them while their band practiced, as we had discussed me singing with them at a gig or two in the future. Never happened. ;) But I did get to spend time with this six foot four, blue eyed fella. So it was a good trade from my point of view. It wasn't until I invited Drew over to my house to work on writing some songs that I realized I had feelings for him.
We continued to text, talk, and hang out, spending more and more time together. And on December 26th, 2011 we went on our first date. Drew is such a caring person that he asked ME if I wanted to meet him anywhere in particular for dinner. We decided on PR's Taco Palace, then walked up and down Park Avenue, then went to Shipyards to grab a beer and talk some more. The evening engulfed us as we talked and talked and talked. There was no pressure to be someone I'm not. There was no expectations of where the date would go or how long this would last. There was just us. And that's how it's been for the past (almost) year and a half that we've been together. :)
We've certainly experienced fights, tears, harsh words. We've also had to walk through Drew having 2 surgeries, me losing my job unexpectedly, and financial difficulties for both of us...and that was just over the course of 7 months! But we both believe God brought us together to bring inexplicable happiness to each other and also to help one another through the tough times that have only strengthened our relationship.
Drew compliments me. His life, his character, his personality, are a perfect fit for the good and not-so-good aspects of my life...and vice-versa.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Love Is Marching

Some girls choose to live a quiet life in the shadows, blending into the background. Others spend their entire lives grappling for the limelight, desperate for both independence and acceptance simultaneously.
Very few choose the path that these three sisters are traveling on. The Barlow sisters have helped to blaze a trail in Christian music by not producing ‘inspirational’ lyrics that get lost in really cool guitar riffs and drum solos. But they have started a bonfire in this genre by drawing people in with their amazing talents; and instead of lulling their audiences to spiritual sleep with what our ‘itching ears’ want to hear, they sound the alarm with a call to war in love. Their lyrics speak truth and love to the heart of the wavering Christian, and resonate in the souls of the unregenerate. Their music flows beautifully through the media’s sound waves, giving them platforms for sharing the Gospel. Their lives touch so many through their testimonies of perseverance, purity, and confidence in their heavenly Father.
Rarely does one see such beautiful girls (inside and out) in the public eye stand faithfully at the foot of the Cross over the years. I’ve followed BarlowGirl for the past several years, and have been encouraged that their main ‘inspirational message’ is directed at young girls, challenging them to fall in love with the Saviour, instead of chasing after the lusts of this world.
So what are you doing with your life? Are you simply living day to day, chasing the momentary pleasures that this world offers as lifetime satisfaction? Or are you living to “Carpe diem”? Seize the day! Make every moment count…not for yourself, but for the One who created you. If you’re a Christian, take risks! Don’t just sit back and expect ‘opportunities’ to come to you. Go out and seize those opportunities!
If you sense the Holy Spirit prompting you to strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you at school, on the bus, in line…go for it!
If you have a passion for sharing the gospel in your local community, be the one to stand up and form groups and prayer meetings!
If you have something on your heart that you want to take a stand for, such as being a voice for the unborn, do it!
If you have a desire to spread the gospel to the unreached parts of this earth, do what you can to get on a mission trip to a foreign country!
Any and all of these can bring glory to the Father. Do not reach the end of your life and only then realize that you’ve wasted it! Seek the Lord on what He would have you, His laborer in the field, do. Then go out and do it! J
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Come As Little Children
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Yet I Sin
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Are You Going To Next?